Saturday, November 22, 2014

What Needs To Change About The Muslim Religion?

What Needs To Change About The Muslim Religion?

Photo: What Needs To Change About The Muslim Religion?

The al-Shabab group in Kenya is similar to Boko Haram in Nigeria and in Cameroon. They are killing and maiming people and the latest story is as recent as this morning where they killed non-Muslims and allowed the Muslims to go without harming them.

It is exactly the same story with Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and what you get is deep hatred for other people who have rejected the Muslim ideology. While I totally understand that the people behind the murders are Muslim extremists, I also need you to look carefully to see that these killings are perpetuated only by people who identify with the Muslim faith. Why are they not of other faith?

My question this morning is this; what needs to change about the Muslim faith that is driving some people to the extreme and making them to see reason in killing other people.  

There is now a new and younger generation of people in the world that only know the Muslim religion to be analogous with brutality and terror. The Muslim community and the clerics therefore have a huge task of brainstorming and finding in their faith what drives some followers to the extreme.  It is not enough to just say that they were brain-washed. What exactly are they being told time and time again and where is the ideology coming from?

While I totally understand that this could be an emotive subject, I also believe we still need to discuss it! 

Please comment, share your views on this issue and let us discuss this very important issue so that our world may be a better place to live in.

The al-Shabab group in Kenya is similar to Boko Haram in Nigeria and in Cameroon. They are killing and maiming people and the latest story is as recent as this morning where they killed non-Muslims and allowed the Muslims to go without harming them.

It is exactly the same story with Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and what you get is deep hatred for other people who have rejected the Muslim ideology. While I totally understand that the people behind the murders are Muslim extremists, I also need you to look carefully to see that these killings are perpetuated only by people who identify with the Muslim faith. Why are they not of other faith?

My question this morning is this; what needs to change about the Muslim faith that is driving some people to the extreme and making them to see reason in killing other people.

There is now a new and younger generation of people in the world that only know the Muslim religion to be analogous with brutality and terror. The Muslim community and the clerics therefore have a huge task of brainstorming and finding in their faith what drives some followers to the extreme. It is not enough to just say that they were brain-washed. What exactly are they being told time and time again and where is the ideology coming from?

While I totally understand that this could be an emotive subject, I also believe we still need to discuss it!

Please comment, share your views on this issue and let us discuss this very important issue so that our world may be a better place to live in.

courtesy of Search Nigeria

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